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(Point culminant) Juan Soto réalise un autre match multi-circuits avec ce tir en solo !

(Point culminant) Juan Soto réalise un autre match multi-circuits avec ce tir en solo !

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. Soto heard Hal’s comments at the owners meeting today and decided to respond

  2. TheDangiestSlad

    i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him

  3. This guy really just threw the exact same pitch that got homered off of previously. Brilliant.

  4. Infraready

    Yankees fans would legitimately boycott games if Hal cheaps out and doesn’t re-sign this man

  5. Everyone in that stadium should go buy a chicken bucket right now to contribute to the Juan Soto Fund

  6. CarPhoneRonnie

    I just read somebody predicting this on the judge homer thread

  7. cooljammer00

    Juan should hit more home runs and then doxx Hal Steinbrenner. 

  8. ThisGuy6266

    Hal Steinbrenner: Would you be willing to accept Bitcoin?

  9. super_lamp56

    If Soto re-signs, the Padres are officially dead to me

  10. GoshaNinja

    Ohtani to Friedman: Don’t even pay me next year. Void half my contract whatever. Let’s add him lmao

  11. We’re heading toward a scenario where Soto is so beloved in NY there will be a riot if he’s not resigned.

  12. God I miss him and I hate to say this…🤦🏻‍♂️dude belong in the Yankees pinstripes. Fuck yall that was strike three on Tino.

  13. OutComeTheWolves1966

    Time to start giving him the free passes, Judge be damned.

  14. Golden-Cheese

    Yankees fans when a player plays well during his contract year:

  15. culpepperjosh

    Lmfao he woulda just taken 3 walks or something last year. NOW he wants to swing and ball out like we knew he could. 🙃 can’t wait to see which Soto shows up this weekend.

  16. ErianTomor

    Soto has as many HRs in this game as Julio has had all season.

  17. Lebigmacca

    He doesn’t even lead the league in walks he’s washed

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