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(Nightengale) Les Diamondbacks de l’Arizona remportent enfin leur première série au Dodger Stadium depuis avril 2018. Leur victoire 6-0 contre les Dodgers était leur premier blanchissage au Dodger Stadium depuis avril 2017.

(Nightengale) Les Diamondbacks de l’Arizona remportent enfin leur première série au Dodger Stadium depuis avril 2018. Leur victoire 6-0 contre les Dodgers était leur premier blanchissage au Dodger Stadium depuis avril 2017.

Par PlayaSlayaX


  1. Today’s the day streaks that are regular-season-only, are getting snapped

  2. The Dodgers play with zero heart, you can track their ‘give a shit o’meter’ based on the energy of their stupid on base dance thing

  3. pineapplefriedriceu

    Padres 🤝Diamondbacks as NL west teams beating up the dodgers at dodgers stadium

  4. Never expected this result with this pitching matchup today. Nelson got pretty lucky with the fly balls but offense took off the pressure late. Hope we can start going on a run here, get healthy, and get over .500

  5. Not counting last October, I see. At least Bob got the Orioles sweep tweet correct earlier specifically saying for regular season series

  6. PaleontologistIcy949

    NL West is a very fun division to watch this year when you have zero investment in it.

  7. jackbeardplays

    Dodgers ain’t making the postseason at this rate

  8. Qrusher14242

    Our offense has been a bad funk for like 2 weeks (like 27th in wRC+/28th in AVG). Pitching has really held this team together through it but its never gonna be perfect.

    Nelson just threw FBs down the middle and dared them to hit it and our guys just looked lost up there.

    Glasnow was good until they for some reason abandoned the FB and threw him a hanger and he hit for that triple. Why anyone wouldn’t throw him a high FB right now is beyond me. That changed the whole game.

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